Deutsche Edition 2
Deutsche Edition 2.iso
Colossal Icons
About the Icons
Text File
56 lines
* T H E C O L O S S A L I C O N C O L L E C T I O N *
I did all of these by hand, myself.
Hope you like them.
Icons are sort of a hobby of mine, and I would be interested
in hearing from you if you have some neat icons of your own.
I can't charge money for them, for obvious reasons, although
you're free to send $ if you wish. Instead I'm using this as a
little advertisement for myself, being an artist and a
cartoonist, you see. If you are in need of custom icons for
your programs, or artwork for whatever reason, feel free to
contact me and we can work something out.
* H O W T O U S E T H E S E I C O N S *
1. You really need system 7
2. Do a "Get Info" (File menu) on the original icon file
3. Click on the icon in the window; choose "Copy" (Edit menu)
3a. You ought to have system 7
4. Close the window, then "Get Info" on destination file/disk
5. Click on the icon, choose "Paste" (Edit menu)
5a. This only works in system 7
The most reliable way of getting in touch with me (since my
address changes fairly often) is by my P.O. box. (Agh! The return
of postcardware!)
Send questions, comments, job offers to:
Dave Schutz
Alikchi Graphics
P.O. Box 8132
Madison, WI 53708
For the 93-94 academic year, I can also be e-mailed at
Version 1.0:
First distribution of "Colossal Icons". Much easier to add icons
and send out in "versions" than to keep track of little additions.
Lots o' folders so that icons don't hog all your RAM. Besides, it
keeps 'em easy to group together! BTW, cartoon artists generally
don't adhere to the Apple Icon colors, so several icons rely on some
of the standard 256 for certain spots. I try to keep this to a minimum.
Version 1.1: Added several new icons
Version 1.2:
Added more icons, and a little "treat" for those with the original icon
files. Note that all the toon icons are now application files. Launching
them is futile. HOWEVER on these you can use balloon help. 'Nuff said.
Also modified some older icons that really didn't look like what they were
supposed to (esp. Stimpy, Ernie)